Let me say first of all, I loved the first conference. I loved the fact that, finally, arboriculture was getting together with urban design and landscape architecture. I enjoyed the buzz from the earlier TEP training days on the subject. I even managed to get our urban designer to come to a full day on trees!
The first conference came at a good time; with the emerging, british-focussed work on trees and climate change. Evidence. Just what our planning policy team needed in order for them to sit up and take notice as it finalised our Local Plan.
Knowing the next conference was on its way I was really excited. But, as time has gone on and the speakers list has firmed up, I have to come clean and say my overwhelming response is *shrug*.
Its certainly about trees. But, for me, how has it suddenly become a mixture of the same old faces and, I suspect, several people who will be able to add ‘delivered a paper to conference X’ as part of their CV or bid for their next research funding round ? To be honest, I’m not that interested in what is happening overseas. Yes, we can learn from it, and yes, there’s no reason why some should not be included. But I feel that the proportion this year is far too high.
I’ve managed to put together just one afternoon’s worth of speakers (day 1) that I’d like to hear. I’d like to hear the presentation on retail sites too, but I’m not sure I want to sit through a morning of what looks like it will be a lot of congratulatory, let’s come together, fluff. Can I justify the council’s (or my own) cash for that ? Don’t know – I’ll see closer to the time. It will be interesting to see how many Local Authority employees are able to attend.
Hurrah for the MTOA cheap as chips training days !