Great to see so many people at the AGM and training day in December. Just after the meeting we received the outcome of our first ever hedgerow regs appeal where the hedgerow retention notice was served based upon the historic criteria.
Very pleased to say that the appeal was dismissed. The inspector decided that the economic reasons given and the appellants tree planting and conservation works elsewhere on his holdings were not sufficient to justify the removal of the hedgerow. He was on site for about 15 minutes.
This was a classic mid-winter notification. If you remember last Jaunuary-February there was frequent snow and biting cold. Any self-respecting plant life was hidden away. However, the hedge was shown on a tithe map of 1840. That was all it took to be able to serve the retention notice!
Finding the tithe map was a bit harder. For some reason some of the Staffordshire records are held at the Derbyshire Record Office, so this involved a day at Matlock. Time consuming, but well worth the effort of a snowy trip there last winter.
Using the historic criteria – getting to know what was available – tithe maps, estate records and digging further into land auctions, parish maps – was a bit daunting at first but I’m really pleased that determination paid off on this site. Flushed with enthusiasm I also served another historic criteria retention notice in 2013 for two hedges on one site. This was based on a plan of the farm at auction. From this I’ve realised I don’t need to be put off just because the farm may not have been included in a tithe map; other records may be available such as canal and railway survey plans.
I’d love to hear of anyone else’s sucess with the Hedgerow Regs.
Tea and biscuits for the team!
Moksacitta (Portia)
Lichfield District Council
Good result! Do you know if the presentations from the seminar are to be posted on line – I thought there was talk that there would be.
Well done Moksa. Another good result for Litchfield.